Believe You Know

Scripture Reading - John 14:2-6 KJV

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Previously we spoke about being “Trained to Know” things spiritually by the Grace of God. That message specifically pointed to three areas to concentrate on when “Training your Heart” to know God’s Will for your life. We (ihlcc) stated that the spirit of man and the mind of every born-again believer must have instruction, guidance and/or direction from the Lord to be successful in operating in God’s Kingdom. Today we will briefly speak on how “faith” plays such an important role in “Training your spirit to know”. As we see in today’s verses the Lord Jesus told His disciples that they “know” both where He is going and the way (path) through which He will get there. However, the Apostle Thomas said, “Lord, “we know not” where You are going so how can “we know” the way?” Thus we have the classic example of why so many believers fail to “know” when God is speaking to their heart. The scripture in Amos 3:3 ask the question, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” The correct answer is, “No”, which generally means if you are not thinking in line with God’s thinking you will not be thinking as God’s Thinks. Hence, you will not understand what God is trying (attempting) to say to you. Why? You may ask? It is because you cannot correctly interpret God’s Heart if you don’t understand God’s Language. The Language of God rings with faith and likewise the Word of God is full of faith. Many times when reading/studying your Holy Bible you will see that God makes a lot of statements about who you are and what you shall be. These statements are always faith propositions that depend upon your proper participation (which is a believing heart mixed with words of faith). The Lord can hardly do anything for you accept you corporate with Him and likewise we can do nothing without the Lord. God’s Kingdom (His System) is built upon interdependence such that without each part of the Body of Christ functioning in unity and strengthen the whole Body of Christ feels the pain of the one problem area (the hurting part). This is why it is vitally important for the members of the Body of Christ to speak the same language as the Head of The Body of Christ. If the Head of the Body of Christ (which is Jesus) states, “Arm you are whole!” that same arm should not respond back, “I don’t think so.” The problem is that if that arm thinks it is sick and/or weak it will respond (act) that way. Therefore, it will not perform its duties and responsibilities. Yes, that arm will act exactly how it thinks. Remember Proverb 23:7 which states, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”. It is the right foundation to get instruction, guidance and direction from God through His Holy Word (the Holy Bible) and by His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) but if you do that and still continue to say, “I just have a hard time hearing from God” you will struggle to hear God’s Voice clearly. This will result in training your heart to doubt God’s Voice rather than strengthening your ability to discern God’s direction. Please confess that you do hear God’s Voice and “you know” God’s direction for your life on a routine basis. On the contrary, the simple truth is as long as you continue to make statements of doubt and unbelief that you can’t hear from God you will never accurately hear from God because your verbal profession of not hearing from God is silencing God’s Voice (the knowing) from your perception. Yes, we (ihlcc) are proclaiming that we hear from God constantly to assure our heart before God that the Lord is always with us (omnipresent). The Lord is with you all the time so why would we minimize His ability to speak to us when He is inside of us all day long and all night long too. The key is developing your heart to patiently look inside (internal) for God’s direction rather than outside (external) for quick answers. However you, dear faith friend, must believe with all of your heart that you are accurately hearing from God. Of course, there might be a time when you haven’t got a clue but in those exact moments you must rise up in faith and proclaim in Jesus Name that, “I know exactly what God wants me to do in this specific situation!” This is a statement of faith that puts a real demand on God’s Kingdom (His System) to produce the right answer. Once you have decreed in faith, that “you know” what to do, you then stand in faith (praising and thanking God) until you tangibly (literally) have exactly what you spoke spiritually (the answer). Yes, the Lord will give you instruction, guidance and direction when you are expecting it and operating God’s Way. Therefore, “you know” what you need to “know” next and you “now know” how to receive it. The question is now, “Do you really believe “God’s Knows” what you need at this time and does The Lord (and your Heavenly Father) know the way to get His Answer to you?” If you answered yes to the previous questions you simply “believe you know” the answer and you will have it because you already have it in Jesus Christ right now. For we walk by faith and not by sight so always believe “you know” exactly what you need to “know” and speak that only out of your mouth so your specific answer will come and it will be easy to understand and interpret because your heart is just as God’s Heart. Remember, we must enter in by faith to even speak God’s Language so walking by faith puts you and God on the same path which enhances your ability to hear exactly what He is whispering in your ear while walking next to you (actually living within you). You and God both speak the same language because you are one in Spirit and one in His Word in Jesus Name. Amen!